Posts Tagged ‘Statuette Stakes’


COUNTING TO 10: The Globes – Movies

> Even though the Oscar race has had clear favorites in THE DESCENDANTS, THE ARTIST and THE HELP since last fall, the first 2 haven’t sparked any huge enthusiasm among the general public, where after almost 2 months, Desc...
by Mitch Salem



> Possibly because the Golden Globes take place in much less proximity to the Emmys than they do to the Oscars, and thus aren’t the crucial part of network gamesplaying that they are for the movie studios, the Hollywood F...
by Mitch Salem



THE STATUETTE STAKES: Brett Ratner’s Really Bad Week

> Nobody remembers the comic strip “L’il Abner” anymore, but there used to be a character in it named Joe Btfspik, who was so unlucky that he walked around with a perpetual dark cloud hanging over his head.&nb...
by Mitch Salem