Posts Tagged ‘Jon Snow’


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Finale Review: “Game of Thrones”

  People take their GAME OF THRONES very seriously.  That’s not a new phenomenon, of course–the term “fanboy” was invented to describe audience members obsessed with their chosen (usually fantasy/s...
by Mitch Salem



  There are a multitude of serialized dramas on television these days, but none has fully embraced the form in the way that GAME OF THRONES does.  The other serials nearly always hedge their bets:  there’s a story...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Game of Thrones”

  GAME OF THRONES:  Sunday 9PM on HBO With tonight’s Season 7 premiere, the endgame of HBO’s GAME OF THRONES has begun, kicking off the final 13 episodes (which will be divided 7/6 over 2 seasons).  It might ...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Series Finale Review: “Game of Thrones”

  There was never a real-life game of thrones behind the scenes at GAME OF THRONES, and perhaps there should have been.  After six brilliant years adapting George R. R. Martin’s novels to television, series creators...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Finale Review: “Game of Thrones”

  The seventh season of HBO’s blockbuster GAME OF THRONES, its most watched and in some ways most confounding, was shaped by two outside factors, and possibly a third.  Series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, ...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Game of Thrones”

  GAME OF THRONES:  Sunday 9PM on HBO Concerns have been as high as expectations for the final season of GAME OF THRONES.  Season 7, the first with little recourse to George R. R. Martin’s novels due to the lagging...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Finale Review: “Game of Thrones”

  This was the first season of GAME OF THRONES A.N. (Ahead of the Novels), and we can’t know at this point how much series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were informed by what they know about the work novelist...
by Mitch Salem